Universal Composite

The Universal Composite has purpose is to seal the margin, which helps prevent postoperative sensitivity and secondary caries.  Apart from the universal composite Tetric N-Ceram, Tetric N-Collection comprises the flowable composite. Tetric N-Flow as well as the total-etch adhesive Tetric N. For example, IPS Empress, IPS e.max, IPS d.SIGN, IPS InLine and SR Adoro, as well as for metal restorations and tooth jewels, e.g. Skyce. Tetric N-Ceram’s high radiopacity of 400 % Al is due to the filler ytterbium fluoride. Tetric N-Ceram’s high radiopacity of 400 % Al is due to the filler ytterbium fluoride. It has a breaking strength of more than 1700 gf. It has great ease of application due to the presentation of the two components in a double body syringe.

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