Study Models

Study Models provide vital information about your patient’s teeth and occlusion. The information given by a study model includes accurate replication of the teeth and the surrounding soft tissues. In orthodontics, the Study Models serves as a permanent record of a patient’s malocclusion and provides a visual aid, helping you to monitor the changes that will take place during treatment.  The space needed to safely store these models can be considerable. In a busy practice, it might be difficult to locate a study model when you need it. It can become even more complicated if you work in multiple locations.  You will simply be able to download the file of that model shortly afterward.

Blood vessels and nerves run through the pulp of the teeth. Cementum: A layer of connective tissue that binds the roots of the teeth firmly to the gums and jawbone. Periodontal ligament: Tissue that helps hold the teeth tightly against the jaw.

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