Gutta Percha GP Points

Gutta Percha GP Points are many cases in which the dentist is hesitant to choose the best endodontic condensation technique. InDentaltix we recommend a technique already established with great proven success. One of the best possible alternatives to traditional endodontics. The obturation system by thermoplastic gutta-percha that facilitates the work in the office and is reliable, fast and simple.

Their content is approximately 20% gutta percha, 65% zinc oxide, 10% radiopaque substances. And 5% plasticizers and has three forms: alpha phase. Beta phase, and gamma phase, where alpha gutta-percha has more dimensional stability. Therefore, is the most used in thermoplastic techniques. However, the American Association of Endodontists’ position is that no cross-reactivity.

  • Injectable systems of high and low temperature thermoplastic gutta percha show better results than traditional lateral condensation.

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